What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual disorder among men. Men affected by ED have consistent trouble achieving and maintaining an erection that is firm enough to have sexual intercourse, despite being sexually stimulated. The condition can have both physical and psychological causes.
One of the major causes of ED is restricted blood flow to the penis, which means that the amount of blood in the penis may not be enough to cause an erection. This type of ED is called vascular erectile dysfunction. PiezoWave Shock Wave Therapy is a clinically- proven and evidence-based treatment option for this type of ED. It also treats Peyronie’s Disease, which is the development of scar tissue in the penis leading to a curved, painful erection.

How effective is PiezoWave Therapy?
In urology, shock waves break up kidney stones, treat Peyronie’s Disease and treat erectile dysfunction caused by vascular compromise. Depending on the area of treatment, low-energy or high-energy shock waves are applied. Recent studies show that PiezoWave Therapy significantly improves erectile dysfunction. In particular, improvements are seen when the cause is due to decreased blood flow to the penis or other vascular causes.
Men who have struggled with erectile dysfunction and have not seen success from medications such as Viagra® or Cialis® should consider Shock Wave Therapy. It can be especially effective for men who are not experiencing adequate blood flow to the penis. These patients will see an improvement with Shock Wave Therapy due to the promotion of new blood vessel growth in and around the penis.
The trial revealed shock wave therapy worked well to restore erectile function in men with mild to moderate vasculogenic ED.
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How many sessions do I need?
It is recommended in a series of 6 sessions, 2 treatments per week for 6 weeks.
Many conditions need three to five sessions. The treatments can be done five to ten days apart depending on tissue response and patient tolerance.
Is there downtime?
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