What is EXILIS Treatment and How Does it Affect the Skin?
Exilis Ultra 360™ provides patients with body sculpting, skin tightening, and rejuvenation results like no other skin tightening procedure. The treatment uses an FDA-approved radio-frequency device to eliminate fat and improve skin elasticity. Exilis Ultra 360™ effectively treats deposits of stubborn fat, lessens cellulite, and revitalizes the skin on the face and neck.
The popular cosmetic technique can be an effective non-surgical method for wrinkles and a loss of tightness and elasticity. The treatment involves a series of quick, painless procedures that results in zero recovery time.
Radiofrequency and Ultrasound Technologies
The BTL Exilis System is a radiofrequency (RF) device that delivers high energy in a controlled fashion to the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin. Exilis Ultra 360™ combines the best aspects of radiofrequency and ultrasound technologies to penetrate deeply into the skin.
As the energy heats the skin’s deeper layers, fat cells are destroyed, the skin is remodeled, and more collagen is formed. This technique can help tighten the skin and make it appear smoother and more youthful. The device helps to maintain a skin-safe temperature while reaching therapeutic heat levels to various depths of the tissue.
What Happens After Exilis Treatment?
The RF waves target your deep skin tissue to melt away fat cells, tighten the elasticity, and trigger the synthesis of collagen. There is no pain involved. The Exilis Ultra 360™ gadget typically takes fifteen to forty-five minutes — depending on the areas to be treated.
The Exilis Ultra 360™ uses penetrative technology to reach deep into the layers of your skin to tighten it with heating and cooling energy. The radio frequency then stimulates the collagen in your skin to retighten areas that have lost their elasticity.
Wrinkles, rhytides, and skin laxity are something we will all face at some point in our life due to the natural aging process. Whether you’re seeking a prevention or correction procedure, Exilis Ultra 360™ will help you love the skin you are in.